Sekolah Tinggi Intelijen Negara Tahun 2024


Welcome, New Cadet Admission Selection Participants of
Sekolah Tinggi Intelijen Negara


To become an International Standard Intelligence College (World Class Intelligence College) which has excellence and authority in supporting the realization of national security.


Producing graduates who have faith and devotion to God Almighty, have noble morals, have high loyalty, are independent, professional, and competitive who can meet the needs of stakeholders by upholding the nation intelligence code of ethics.


  1. There are no fees charged during college.
  2. Get accommodation in the hostel, including food and uniforms.
  3. After graduating from college, you will be appointed as a CPNS.
  4. Complete and modern educational facilities.
  5. Have the opportunity to train to become an Indonesian Cyber Task Force and expert in the field of Biomedical Hazard.
  6. Accredited "excellent" by BAN-PT

Registration Requirements

Candidates for Cadets of Sekolah Tinggi Intelijen Negara

General requirement

  1. Indonesian Citizen (Male/Female)
  2. Have faith and devotion to God Almighty
  3. Loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
  4. Never been involved in a crime
  5. Good behavior as proven by a Police Record Certificate (SKCK)
  6. 6. Have a minimum education of SMA/SMK/MA (not a package C graduate) with the following conditions:
    1. Lulusan SMA/SMK/MA tahun 2022 dan 2023, nilai rata-rata ijazah minimal 80 (delapan puluh)
    2. Bagi lulusan SMA/SMK/MA tahun 2024, nilai rata-rata rapor semester 1 s/d semester 5 minimal 75 (tujuh puluh lima)
  7. For those who obtain a diploma from a school abroad, they must obtain approval from the Directorate of High Schools, Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
  8. Never married and willing not to marry during the education period
  9. Never given birth (female) and never had a biological child (male)
  10. Not tattooed and/or have tattoo scars
  11. Not pierced and/or having piercing marks on unusual body parts (female)
  12. Not pierced and/or have piercing marks on any part of the body (male)
  13. Physically and mentally healthy and has never had a broken bone
  14. If you wear glasses, maximum size 1 is either + (plus) or - (minus)
  15. Not color blind
  16. Minimum height (balanced body weight according to applicable regulations)
    • Male: 165 (one hundred and sixty five) cm
    • Female: 160 (one hundred and sixty) cm
  17. Age on 31 December 2024 must be at least 16 years old and not more than 21 years old (proven by birth certificate/birth certificate)
  18. Obtain parental or guardian approval as proven by a parent/guardian statement letter
  19. There is no fee for STIN cadet admission selection participants except for the SKD participation fee
  20. Male/Female, not TNI/Polri/PNS personnel/former personnel
  21. Never attended training for the formation of TNI/Polri/PNS personnel
  22. Willing to undergo a First Service Bond (IDP) for 16 (sixteen) years starting from being declared a graduate of STIN education
  23. Not currently bound by an official engagement agreement with another agency
  24. Peserta seleksi penerimaan Taruna/I STIN wajib memiliki kartu BPJS Kesehatan
  25. For those who already work permanently as employees
    1. Obtain approval/recommendation from the head of the agency concerned
    2. Willing to be dismissed from employee/employee status, if accepted and take part in training to form STIN Cadets.
  26. Participate in and be declared successful in each selection series for STIN Cadet admissions for Fiscal Year 2024

Administrative Requirements

  1. Permission Letter from Parent/Guardian.
  2. Photocopy of diploma for 2022 and 2023 graduates
  3. Certificate of graduation from school for graduates in 2024.
  4. Passport photo with conditions:
    • 4x6 photograph (1 piece):
      • Red background for male
      • Blue background for female
    • Postcard size full body color photo (White shirt with black trousers/skirt) front, left, right, and back angles
  5. Photocopy of Birth Certificate, Family Card (KK) and BPJS Card.

SSCASN Official School Registration Flow 2024

Prospective participants can register on the SSCASN DIKDIN Portal
by clicking the following button:

Stages of Selection for Accepting New Cadets for STIN 2024

If the applicants/participants in each test up to the final test meet the specified requirements,
they can be declared to have passed the cadet selection.

Description of STIN 2024 New Cadet Admission Activities

Register on the SSCASN-BKN Portal

No Description of activities Information
1 Prospective selection participants access the official SSCASN portal
2 Calon peserta seleksi membuat akun di portal
3 Calon peserta seleksi wajib memiliki akun e-mail aktif yang akan digunakan selama masa pendaftaran dan seleksi.
4 Calon peserta seleksi login ke portal dengan menggunakan akun yang telah dibuat menggunakan Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) dan Nomor Kartu Keluarga, serta password yang telah didaftarkan.
5 Calon peserta seleksi memilih STIN, melengkapi biodata, dan memilih lokasi ujian. Calon peserta seleksi hanya boleh mendaftar di salah satu Instansi atau Lembaga Pendidikan Kedinasan, dan apabila mendaftar di dua lembaga atau lebih maka dinyatakan gugur.
6 Calon peserta seleksi menyelesaikan pendaftaran dengan mengecek resume dan mencetak bukti pendaftaran.
7 Calon peserta seleksi akan mendapatkan link registrasi STIN berupa portal melalui e-mail masing-masing dan resume bukti pendaftaran.

Registrasi pada Portal STIN

No Description of activities Information
1 Calon peserta seleksi melakukan registrasi ulang dengan melengkapi Data Riwayat Hidup dan mengunggah dokumen yang wajib sesuai dengan persyaratan administrasi ke portal menggunakan username dan password pada saat mendaftar di Dokumen yang wajib diunggah yaitu:
a) Surat Ijin Orang Tua/Wali Asli. Contoh surat dapat diunduh di Setelah selesai dibuat, surat tersebut diunggah (upload) dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file ortu.pdf atau ortu.jpeg;
b) Ijazah SMA/SMK/MA untuk lulusan tahun 2022 dan tahun 2023. Dokumen tersebut diunggah (upload) dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file ijazah2022/2023.pdf atau ijazah2022/2023.jpeg; Surat Keterangan Lulus dari sekolah bagi lulusan tahun 2023. Dokumen tersebut diunggah (upload) dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file skl2024.pdf atau skl2024.jpeg;
c) Foto berwarna seluruh badan, terbaru, tampak depan, ukuran postcard (3R), dan mengenakan pakaian atas berwarna putih serta bawah berwarna hitam. Bagi laki-laki latar belakang foto berwarna merah dan bagi perempuan latar belakang foto berwarna biru. Foto tersebut diunggah dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file foto.pdf atau foto.jpeg;
d) Foto orang tua diunggah dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file foto-ortu.pdf atau foto-ortu.jpeg;
e) Kartu Keluarga (KK). Dokumen tersebut diunggah dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file kk.pdf atau kk.jpeg.
f) Kartu BPJS Kesehatan diunggah dalam bentuk pdf/jpeg dengan nama file bpjs.pdf atau bpjs.jpeg
2 Calon peserta seleksi mendapatkan konfirmasi kelengkapan administrasi melalui e-mail masing-masing.
3 Verifikator STIN melakukan verifikasi data atau dokumen calon peserta seleksi yang telah masuk.
4 Calon peserta seleksi dapat mengecek status kelulusan verifikasi administrasi melalui portal dan portal
5 Calon peserta seleksi yang dinyatakan lulus administrasi melakukan pembayaran Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) sebagai biaya seleksi SKD, sebesar Rp100.000,00 (seratus ribu rupiah)
6 Calon peserta seleksi akan mendapat Kartu Ujian dari STIN dan kartu Ujian CAT dari BKN setelah proses verifikasi dan dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi.
7 Calon peserta seleksi mengikuti proses seleksi selanjutnya sesuai dengan ketentuan STIN.

Description of activities

NO Kegiatan Jadwal
1 Pengumuman Pembukaan Seleksi 14 s.d. 28 Mei 2024
2 Pendaftaran Online 15 Mei s.d. 13 Juni 2024
3 Seleksi Administrasi 15 Mei s.d. 17 Juni 2024
4 Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) 18 Juli s.d 6 Agustus 2024
5 SKB Menunggu Keputusan Lebih Lanjut

Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a summary list of questions or assistance for anyone who wants to know more about STIN Cadet Admission 2023
Q :Dimana bisa download persyaratan administrasi (surat lamaran, surat ijin orang tua, surat pernyataan tidak terikat perjanjian dan surat pernyataan kesediaan tidak melakukan KKN) ?

Dapat diunduh jika sudah melakukan registrasi/login ke dalam portal STIN ( dengan mengunakan username dan password yang sudah didaftarkan di DIKDIN

Q : Dimana dapat melihat Informasi Pendaftaran Penerimaan Taruna Baru STIN Tahun 2024?

Registration information for STIN New Cadet Admissions can be accessed at

Q: Where can I download supporting documents such as Parental Permission Letters, Service Bond Letters, Application Letters, and KKN Letters?

Documents can be downloaded at Download menu, after prospective cadets/I register on the STIN Portal

Q: What documents must be uploaded?

Documents uploaded are as follows: Parent's Permission Letter, Diploma/SKL/Certification of Grade 12 Students from School, Full Body Photo Postcard Size, and Family Card

Q: What is the Admission Quota for this year?

This year's admission quota is 400 people.

Q: Where are the selection locations?

a. Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) dilaksanakan di 34 Peserta seleksi dapat memilih lokasi seleksi sesuai tempat yang telah ditentukan, sebagai berikut:

  1. Provinsi ACEH
  2. Provinsi BALI
  4. Provinsi BANTEN
  5. Provinsi BENGKULU
  6. Provinsi GORONTALO
  7. Provinsi Daerah Khusus JAKARTA
  8. Provinsi JAMBI
  9. Provinsi JAWA BARAT
  10. Provinsi JAWA TENGAH
  11. Provinsi JAWA TIMUR
  17. Provinsi KEPULAUAN RIAU
  18. Provinsi LAMPUNG
  19. Provinsi MALUKU
  20. Provinsi MALUKU UTARA
  21. Provinsi NTB
  22. Provinsi NTT
  23. Provinsi PAPUA
  24. Provinsi PAPUA BARAT
  25. Provinsi RIAU
  26. Provinsi SULAWESI BARAT
  28. Provinsi SULAWESI TENGAH
  30. Provinsi SULAWESI UTARA
  31. Provinsi SUMATERA BARAT
  33. Provinsi SUMATERA UTARA
  34. Provinsi YOGYAKARTA

b. Seleksi Tingkat Pusat dan Pantukhir akan dilaksanakan di Markas Besar (Mabes) BIN Jakarta.

Q: What are the selection stages?

Selection Stages: Skd Test, Psychological Test, Physical and Mental Health Test, Physical Ability Test, MI Test and Interview, and Pantukfinal (Further Provisions About Each Test Will Be Informed After Passing the Administrative Selection)

Q: Which Report Card Average Score is Requested?

Average Score for Semester 1-5 Report Cards (taken from Knowledge and Skills Scores)

Q: What is the average minimum report card score?

Minimum Average Score Is 75

Q: If I have broken a bone, will it still be accepted?

Prospective Cadets Must Be Physically and Spiritually Healthy and Never Have Broken Bones.

Q: Can cadets wear glasses? If so, what is the maximum limit?

For those who wear glasses, maximum 1 (+/-)

Q: What height and weight do you need?

Men's height is 165 cm, women's height is 160 cm and ideal body weight

Q: Regarding teeth, are there any requirements?

There will be tests for Dental Health tests

Q: What ages can register for STIN?

Usia pada Saat Mendaftar Minimal 16 Tahun dan Maksimal 21 Tahun pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2024

Q: Are there any fees during selection?

Tidak Ada Biaya Seleksi Kecuali Tes SKD Sebesar Rp. 100,000 (sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah)

Q: Are there tuition fees?

No Tuition Fees

Q: If tribal data is not available, what should I do?

Report if your tribe is not in the system (Further follow up by the Committee)

Q: Is it OK if the passport photo and postcard photo have different backgrounds?

The background of the photo on the passport photo and full body photo has been determined in the Announcement, please follow the applicable rules (Men have a red background and Women have a blue background).

Q: What size postcard photo is requested?

The full body photo is taken from the front view.

Q: What if the photo uses a short-sleeved white shirt?

You can wear white long and short sleeve shirts.

Q: Can women wear a skirt or trousers for full body photos?

You can wear a skirt or trousers.

Q: Photos for women wearing what color hijab?

You can wear a white or black hijab

Q: What if I don't have an ID card yet?

Please use the Certificate from DISDUKCAPIL (or please check the FAQ menu on the BKN Website)

Q: When will the selection schedule be announced?

The selection schedule will be posted on the website, please always check.